Business Manager S10.00
- Design a spread sheet for entering business names and business partners
- Hand out Enterprise Application forms when asked
- Keep an up to date record of all the businesses and business owners
- Give frequent updates to Gringots bank manager
- Collect business setup fees from new businesses owners and hand to Tee Cee
- Keep all business applications
- Design a spread sheet for keeping track of Quiddage related printing jobs
- Agree on costs with Tee Cee and Q Controller (S30 - colour, S5 - b&w)
- Ensure people report any printing to you
- Bill business owners on a regular basis
- Remuneration: 50-50 split between publisher and Tee Cee
Caterer S10.00
- Make lunch box available on the sink bench on lunch delivery days (usually Fridays)
- At the end of roll call, ask the class if there are any further orders
- Take the lunch orders to the office, or if there are none, let office staff knows
- collect the lunches from the lunches van at the car park
- Distribute the lunches
- Return lunch box to the van
Chair Leader
- Put chairs up/down for students who are absent
- Grott students who don’t put up their chairs at the end of the day (S1)
- Grott students who leave their chairs out, thereby blocking others from passing their desks
- Put grotts directly onto board list
- add grotts to your board tally
Checklist Charlie S15.00
- Collect completed work, making sure it is all oriented the same way
- Peg the work together and store it in a box in the resource room
- Mark it off on a class checklist
- Remind students who haven’t completed task
- Report to Tee Cee when required
Climate Controller S10.00
- Open the windows at the start of the day
- Open or close windows during the day as required
- Learn (from Tee Cee) how to operate gas heater
- If required, open extra windows and doors (and close them at the end of the day)
- Decide on positioning of fan – and turn off or on when required
Communications Consultant S15.00
- Deliver messages or other items to other parts of the school quickly and without fuss
- Pick up messages or other items as required
- Take absentee names to the office
Computer Help Desk (chief) S15.00
- Find out what strengths help desk people have
- Make a chart (on computer) for Q Zealanders to refer to
- Help students who need computer assistance
Computer Help Desk S10.00
- Undergo and pass training course
- Assist computer users when required
Daily Notice Reporter S10
- Open up the daily notices at 9 am
- Read out any notices that relate to us
Distribution Agent (chief) S15.00
- Receive items for distribution; give equally to other distribution agents
- Assist with distribution
- Redistribute answer sheets when required
- Receive collected items from distribution team
- Place in neat pile and give to TC
- Work quickly and efficiently to ensure minimal time wastage
Distribution Agents S10.00
- Receive handouts from chief distribution agent and distribute to QZealanders
- Collect items from QZealanders and hand to chief distribution agent
Encouragers S15 (depending on effectiveness)
- Look out for reasons and ways to support and encourage Q Zealanders
- Keep watch for any Q Zealanders who may be feeling sad. Find ways to cheer them up.
(E.S.P) Environmental Spy Person.
- Check to see that all shoes are put neatly outside (in pairs, against the wall)
- Check that all bags are closed, that they are hung on hooks or placed neatly against the wall
- check that no rollerblades, scooters or skateboards are left outside the classroom
- Grott will be S5 if any students are caught not following these systems - This will be taken from the board chart of the offending student and added directly to your tally
Green Team S15
- Empty Room 13 Recycling bin on Mondays and Thursdays
- Empty the Recycling bins from the office area
Green Team Leader S20
- Help the Green Team
- When Mr Merriman tells you, ring Full Circle to collect our paper
- Make sure the sacks get put out
- Make sure the empty sacks are returned
Health Officer S10.00
- Get a bandage or icepack for people in need
- Return the icepack 15 minutes later
Librarian (Chief) S15.00
- Supervise and assist librarians
- Follow up overdue books
Librarians S10.00
- Locate and issue topic books for TC or class
- Arrange topic books on classroom library shelf
- Keep library shelf tidy
- Return and shelve classroom books as required
- Issue and return students’ books during library time
Mr or Miss Staple S15.00
- Staple, pin or tape work around the classroom as required
- Maintain displayed work by re-stapling etc. when necessary
- Remove wall displays
- Distribute the items to their owners
Music Roadie S10.00
- Get Tee Cee’s guitar when required
- Take it to school singing, assemblies, Hui whanau etc…if needed
- Put the guitar away
N.P (notices person) S10.00
- collect returned notices
- Keep a list of who has returned their notices, along with details such as parent helpers etc.
- Check to see who hasn’t returned theirs, and remind them after roll call
Odd Jobber S5.00
- Perform odd jobs as required
Police Chief S20.00
- Make up Police ID badge
- Be the person cases are reported to
- Make up case report book
- Train police to fill out case reports
- Supervise the police force
- Report case outcomes to TeeCee when required
Police S10.00
- Solve police cases allocated to you by the police chief
- Interview witnesses and suspects
- Report findings to the police chief
- Fill in a case report for each investigation
- Be alert
Quiz Master or Miss S15.00
- Write names of Quiz Contestants on the board
- Draw a card to establish starter
- Record winners
- Inform TeeCee when finals and grand finals are required
- Setup finals and grand final
TC’s P.A. S25.00
- Answer the telephone
- Take messages if necessary
- Check P.A box several times a day
- Delegate P.A. box contents to the appropriate people
Hat Person
- Grott (S2) anyone who wears their hat inside Q Zealand. Take from their tally and add directly to yours
Couch Carrot
- Grott (S5)anyone who sits on the couch without earning it
Q Zealand Times Editor S50.00 per 4 pages published
- Edit the Q Zealand Times newspaper
- Be responsible for journalists
- Encourage people to send in stories and articles
Q Zealand Journalists S20.00 per article accepted
- Write articles for the Q Zealand Times
Q Zealand Times Photographer S5.00 for each picture accepted
- Take photos for the Q Zealand Times, using the digital camera
Q Zealand Times Accountant S15.00
- Keep track of pay for Q Zealand Times staff and Q Zealanders who have articles accepted
- Notify the chief payroll officer monthly
- Send accounts out to advertisers
Resource Regulator (Chief) S15.00
- Supervise and assist Resource Regulators
- Make decisions about the upkeep of the resource room
- Take responsibility for the tidiness of the resource room
Resource Regulators S10.00
- Access and return resource room equipment for Tee Cee and QZealanders
- Keep resource room tidy and well organised
Sign Writer S15.00
- Write up notices on boards as required
- Keep conference lists organised and rewrite when necessary
- Write up strikes if necessary
- Re-do permanent whiteboard markings when needed
Wordsmith S5.00
- Write any words discussed in class discussions in the clear file
Time Keeper S15.00
- Set alarm when needed for deadlines or school events etc.
Chief Technician S35.00
- Be familiar with technical equipment (radio, TV, data projector, cameras, sound system, microphone and microphone stand)
- Set up and put away any technical equipment, including for other classes when required
- Train the apprentice/s
Apprentice Technicians S10.00
- Assist the Chief Technician
Sports Resource Guys S10.00
- Get P.E. Gear for classroom use
- Setup sports and fitness activities as required
- Return gear to correct places in the P.E. Shed
- Tidy P.E Shed (S20 per lunchtime tidy up to once a week)
Scribe S35.00
- Copy ideas from discussions that Tee Cee writes on the board
- Type it on the computer
Miss/Mr Clean it S30.00
- Clean-up jobs around the classroom
Art advisers S20.00 per art session
- Setup/pack up Art equipment
- Frame and name art works when needed
- Help TC put art on the wall
- Help to hand out art to its owners when it comes down from the wall
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