Monday, May 5

Tricky Triangles

Thursday 8 May

WALT identify different sorts of angles

  1. Write the learning intention into your Maths book
  2. Follow this link:
  3. Find out about the different types of angles
  4. Draw each type into your Maths books
  5. Go to "next" and play the Snap game - each person in your team should have a go at this.

Wednesday 7 May

WALT identify different sorts of triangles.

  1. Write the learning intention in your Maths books

  2. Use the Internet to find different sorts of triangles.

  3. Copy three of each type into your book and label them

  4. Be able to explain what is special about each one.

Tuesday 6 May

  1. Write the heading "Tricky Triangles" in your Maths book, followed by 'WALT identify the properties of different types of triangles.

  2. Use this link to watch the animated movie about triangles:

  3. write a sentence in your Maths book describing what you think the movie is about.

  4. Use the coloured paper to create some triangle designs of your own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was breathtaking!