Thursday, November 29
Flash News... Party Time
So... we thought maybe a barbeque... bring sausages..? maybe the Quiddage awards..? maybe see if the pool will be available..? Could the spelling winners do their cooking for it..? Music..? What else???
Post ideas and/or volunteer to help with the organisation.
Newsflash... not to be confused with 'Flash News'
We may end up singing one of the tracks on the Piggity Wiggity CD that will be included inside the cover of its second publication.
The plan is for the whole class to sing the choruses and perhaps some soloists or small groups to sing the verses.
The recording would take place at Freyberg High School (in the evening) in a couple of weeks time.
Wednesday, November 28
Parents, please ask to see your child's ePortfolio when you come to drop off or pick up your children.
Speech Finalist
Thursday, November 15
Success Criteria for Writing a Speech
- My speech followed the hamburger technique
- The message/information/story came through
- The ending was effective & finished off the speech
- My speech was well-researched
- My speech was logically sequenced
- My speech was suited to my target audience
- My speech was in my words
Researching our Speeches
The next step is to research our topics. Speeches need to contain some factual information, but it needs to be balanced with interpretations and perhaps some interesting stories.
Next week we will start writing the speech. We have discussed the hamburger technique for writing a speech.

Tuesday, November 13
Speech Topic
Thursday, November 8
The speeches will be written at school, and perhaps finished or polished at home but would be really helpful to discuss ideas at home.
One person from each class will be selected to speak at a Skyscrapers team final. Then there will be a trophy for the winning speech maker.
Tuesday, November 6
Piggity-Wiggity Jiggity Jig

It was a cool story and I like how Piggity-Wiggity saved the day. The 'iggity' words are really nice to say (Tori).
I like the rhyme and flow of Diana's stories (Lauren).
I feel like we are very privileged to hear Diana's stories (Kate).
Thursday, November 1
Nancy in China - the Wedding
We slowly trudged up the stairs leading to my cousin's house. When we reached there, I nervously knocked on the door. When the door opened I saw my cousin. When I saw her, I thought she looked like a dazzling diamond. Everyone of my relatives that came with us all said; ' The bride is so beautiful.' Shortly after we arrived a huge BOOM BOOM BOOM sounded outside my cousin's apartment home. Those big bangs were really fireworks sounding. My little sister so frightened that she looked dazed. Next after the frightening fireworks, the bride's brother piggy-backed my cousin down to the 1st floor. You see, my cousin's house is on the fifth floor. After the business of piggy-backing the bride, taking photos and putting off fireworks we drove to the place where my cousin's wedding was to be held. When we entered the wedding banquet we had to find the right room, the correct table and how we were going to sit. Then we had to wait, wait, wait, wait and wait for the wedding to actually begin. You see, the wedding started at 7:00 and we arrived at 4:30 so we had to wait for 2 and a half hours. Finally the wedding begins. It started off with the bride and the bridegroom walking on a red carpet leading towards a platform. Then they stood together side by side and this presenter person went on and on about love and blah blah blah. Straight after that the bride and the bridegroom had to fill a wine tower which they have to pour wine in the wine cups. Then everyone started to enjoy the dinner provided on their table.
While they are enjoying their dinner the bride and the bridegroom had to give a toast to every table and which there are fifty tables in total. Soon some people started giving out wedding chocolates to everyone. The boxes were shaped in hearts and was deep red in color. When we've finished our dinner the bride and the bridegroom had already gone downstairs and thanking people for coming to their wedding and saying goodbye to them. The bride couldn’t eat a thing from when she has her dress and makeup on to after the wedding which was about 6 HOURS!!!